the ever popular A-Z post!

thanks to for posting a template for everyone to use 🙂

and without further adue here we go:

A is for age: 23...ill be 24 in september! Almost half way through my 20’s..crazy!

B is for breakfast today: one egg with a runny yoke over sauteed spinach and black beans all topped with hot sauce and salsa SO GOOD!

C is for currently craving: either a HUGE ( ok multiple) scoops of the fake skippy’s peanut butter OR a McDonalds shamrock shake!

D is for dinner tonight: dinner out with friends at an italian place in downtown philly!

E is for favorite type of exercise: either HITT workouts on the treadmill OR spinning! ( I am a HUGE spinning junkie and have my own shoes…they make such a difference!)

F is for an irrational fear:  fear of messing up at work and having a patient suffer the consequences…a fear that keeps me up at night and get heart palpitations on my way into work…yeah gotta work on my stress levels…

G is for gross food: and kind of ‘organ’ food ex: liver, pancreas or tounge YUCK!

H is for hometown: a small town outside of Chicago IL

I is for something important:  My family, friends and of course my fiance 🙂

J is for current favorite jam: Fun’s we are young ft Janelle Monae

K is for kids: none, but one day Id love 2-3 little ones

L is for current location: philly baby!

M is for the most recent way you spent money: groceries at Trader Joe’s and a new workout top from target!

N is for something you need: to stress less about work! I seriously need to retake up yoga again!

O is for occupation: pediatric nurse in a PICU ( pediatric intensive care unit)

P is for pet peeve: leaving dirty dishes in the sink and an unmade bed…my fiance knows this and its still something we are working on…lol 😉

Q is for a quote: live each day as it is your last!

R is for random fact about you: I am double jointed in my left thumb. It used to be the way I would tell my left hand from my right hand when I was little

S is for favorite healthy snack: at the moment its cottage cheese with almond butter mixed in topped with some roasted almonds…yum!

T is for favorite treat: McDonalds ice cream…there is a special story about this treat..for another time though 🙂

U is for something that makes you unique: my eyes change color depending on what I am wearing blue to green to hazel

V is for favorite vegetable: ummm I have to pick just one? If i HAD to choose I guess it would be artichokes (or corn on the cob, so hard to choose!)

W is for today’s workout: HITT treadmill workout followed by a sholders/chest weight routine and abs

X is for X-rays you’ve had: none! never broken a bone 🙂

Y is for yesterday’s highlight:  finally seeing my fiance after 48 hours! ( I dont see him when I work night shift…I leave for work before he gets home from work and hes gone by the time I get home in the morning) we grilled some fish and drank some beer 🙂 great night enjoying the AWESOME weather

Z is for your time zone: eastern!

thanks for reading along guys! 

Question: pick your favorite letter and answer the question too!

Hello world!

Hey guys! thanks for stopping by 🙂

Im not too sure how Ill be using this blog, but I am thinking itll be a nice place to vent to decompress after a crazy stressful day at work!

and with that I am off to enjoy the lovely weather on my last day off for a stretch..night weekend shifts baby!